81st Force Support Squadron Marketing Department

81st Force Support Squadron Marketing Department



About Us

We are the 81st Force Support Squadron Marketing department on Keesler AFB. Our base is the second largest training command in the county, with 27,000 graduations occurring annually. We provide a diverse range of sponsorship events and advertising opportunities. Collaborating with us will allow you to have direct access to our military community in Biloxi. If interested in advertising or sponsorship with Keesler AFB, please contact Mrs. Camille Sanchez at (228) 376-8369 or at keeslersponsorship@gmail.com. We look forward to creating a new partnership with you!


One of our sponsors at the Christmas in the Park event.
One of our sponsors at the Ghouls in the Park event.
One of our sponsors at the Ghouls in the Park event.
One of our sponsors at the Ghouls in the Park event.
One of our sponsors at the Ghouls in the Park event.
Our Crawfish Cook Off event crowd.
Cruisin Keesler event.
Easter in the Park event.
Our training students at our Tails 'N Ales event.
Our training students getting free Coca Cola products from their tailer.

Printed courtesy of mscoastchamber.com/ – Contact the Mississippi Gulf Coast Chamber of Commerce, Inc. for more information.
11975 Seaway Road Suite B120, Gulfport, MS 39503 – (228) 604-0014 – info@mscoastchamber.com