Exquisite Kids Learning Academy, LLC


Child Care

About Us

We are a family care learning center with passion, professionalism, pride, purpose, and a promise to foster love and unique learning and development plans exclusively for your exquisitely created child in mind.

Are you in need of childcare that doesn't believe in a one-size fits all mentality? Well Exquisite Kids Learning Academy, LLC (EKLA) is the place for you. EKLA is dedicated in providing the most exquisite experience tailored with each child and the child's family in mind. EKLA is a preschool and childcare center with passion, professionalism, pride, and purpose. Also, EKLA promises to foster love and provide a unique learning and development plan exclusively created with your child in mind.
Additionally, EKLA offers the following services listed below:
*Parents Night Out
*Exquisite Kids Empowerment and The Arts Club
*Study & Styling Haircare Sessions
*Date Night Setup-with childcare & catering or private chef
*Ladies' night-with childcare
*Online gift shop

We hope that you and your child/children connect with Alicia Tiggs Merritt and experience EKLA's personalized creative learning environment.


  • Playdates
  • Ladies/Parents Night Out
  • Drop-Ins
  • Tutoring
  • Study & Styling Haircare Sessions

Printed courtesy of mscoastchamber.com/ – Contact the Mississippi Gulf Coast Chamber of Commerce, Inc. for more information.
11975 Seaway Road Suite B120, Gulfport, MS 39503 – (228) 604-0014 – info@mscoastchamber.com